

  1. ホーム
  2. 2020年春季研究発表会における新型コロナウィルス感染症(COVID-19)への対応について



一般社団法人 日本音響学会 会長 伊藤彰則



  1. 【発表の取り扱い】本研究発表会での,口頭発表およびポスター発表の質疑は行われませんが,講演論文集は2020年3月2日に発行し公知となる予定であり,全ての発表が成立したものとします.
  2. 【講演申込の皆様へ】発表が成立するため,講演申込料は返金いたしません.また,登壇予定者は,最大1名分の参加登録費を申し受けます(複数登壇でも1名分).この際,2月21日までに,事前参加登録をしていない場合は,会場参加登録費を申し受けます.講演論文集は,請求書とともに登録住所へ送付いたします.
  3. 【事前参加登録の皆様へ】事前参加申込者へは講演論文集(講演要旨等,予稿集CD-ROM)をお送りし,返金はいたしません。事前参加登録者で,講演論文集の事前送付を希望された方には,3月3日ごろ送付いたします。事前参加登録者で,講演論文集の事前送付を希望されなかった方には,準備が整い次第お送りいたしますが,3月9日ごろになる見込みです。
  4. 【講演論文集の販売について】事前参加登録をしていない方で,講演論文集を入手したい方には,3月18日までは会場参加登録費にて販売を申し受けます.研究発表会担当宛電子メールでお問い合わせください.それ以降については,これまで通り会員12,000円,会員外26,000円で販売いたします.
    参考)2020年春季研究発表会 参加費
  5. 【その他】中止に伴う旅費,宿泊費等のキャンセル料の費用負担はいたしかねますのでご了承ください.




ASJ2020 Spring Meeting has been CANCELLED due to the infection of COVID-19

In view of the Japanese government’s announcement requesting voluntary restraint of nonessential and nonurgent meetings for the citizens and the continuously spreading status of Novel Coronavirus Infection, Acoustic Society of Japan has decided to cancel the ASJ2020 Spring Meeting.

  1. All the presentations are handled as “presented”, and the proceedings will be published on March 2, 2020.
  2. The registration fee and presentation fee will not be refunded. We ask for both the registration and presentation fees for each presentation. We will send the abstract booklet and proceedings CD-ROM to the registered address (and an invoice for the presentation with no early registration).
  3. To Pre-Registrant who requested the advanced sending of the proceedings: We will send the abstract booklet and proceedings CD-ROM to the registered address around March 3, 2020.
    To Pre-Registrant who did not requested the advanced sending of the proceedings: We will send the abstract booklet and proceedings CD-ROM to the registered address around March 9, 2020. 
  4. Selling of the proceedings:
    Before March 18, 2020: Price = On-site registration fee. Please contact to the contact address shown below.
    After March 18, 2020: Price for members = 12,000 JPY,  for non-members = 26,000 JPY.
  5. We are sorry but we cannot cover the cancellation fee for the travel and accomodation fee.


The committee appreciates all the participants’ understanding and cooperation.

Contact address: asj-meeting[at]acoustics.jp



  • 学生ランチミーティング(研究発表会第1日)
  • 懇親会(研究発表会第2日)
・ 発熱などの症状がある方は来場をご遠慮下さい*注1
・ 感染予防のため,スタッフがマスクを着用する場合がありますのでご了承下さい.
・ 感染予防のため,できるだけマスク着用でご来場ください.
・ 会場数カ所に除菌アルコールを用意する予定ですので,入館の際にご利用下さい.





ASJ2020 Spring Meeting: Action against Novel Coronavirus Infection (COVID-19)

In view of the spreading status of the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19), full or partial events of ASJ2020 Spring Meeting may be canceled. Further information will be announced on the ASJ website.

The following events have been CANCELLED (Feb. 20, 2020)

  • Student lunch meeting (1st day)

  • Banquet (2nd day)

If ASJ2020 will be cancelled, the registration fee and presentation fee will not be refunded. We will send the abstract booklet and proceedings CD-ROM to the registered address.  
Requests to the participants:

  • All the prospective participants with any suspicious symptoms, including high fevers, are kindly requested to cancel the participation*.
  • We recommend to wear the mask to prevent infection.
  • Please use the hand sanitizer, which will be provided at the entrances of the meeting venue.
  • The ASJ staff members may wear masks for the prevention of infectious diseases.


*The cancelled presentations due to the symptoms, which is pre-notified to asj-meeting[at]acoustics.jp, will be handled as “presented”.


Cabinet Secretariat (in Japanese)

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan (in Japanese)





